And in the left corner... A Meme!

Sep 20, 2005 17:55

LJ Interests meme results

  1. classical music:
    Yes, classical music. At the expense of pop culture, I have a strong preference to instrumental and orchestral music, especially coming from classical composers- Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Brahms, Handel, and so on. Of course, the cost to my knowledge of today's pop tunes is great and terrible to behold; I still think The Backstreet Boys are just The Monkees grown up.
  2. diablo:
    Some computer games have incredible shelf life. And Diablo is one of them. I did win a fiction writing contest using the Diablo setting, so it's, you know, kinda cultured and stuff. Oh, who am I kidding, it's all about killing monsters and getting treasure. Oh yeah.
  3. gaming:
    This covers a lot of topics- computer games, role-playing games, board games, card games, this that and the other thing. I enjoy games. I like simple card games. I like complicated board games. I like computer games of all types. I wish I had more time for RPG's because they're fun and get my creative bits working.
  4. karate:
    This is my personal favorite. It keeps me sort of healthy, it teaches me interesting things, and it gives me an opportunity to teach other people. It's probably my most rewarding hobby. Also, it lets me hit children, and that's funny.
  5. movies:
    For entertainment, not much beats a night at the movies, or a session of DVD's. Movies are for fun- a bit of an escape, some visual fiction, brain candy, comedy and action, pure entertainment. Some folks like movies for the more cerebral aspects. Since I'm dumb as rocks, I appreciate explosions and boobies. And maybe a few ninjas as well.
  6. pie:
    What else do I have to say here? I think this category speaks for itself.
  7. sex:
    Oh come on. Like every one of you doesn't have this down in your interests list. And if you don't, you're just lying to yourself. You love it. You know it. Don't judge me!
  8. the critic:
    To me, one of the more underappreciated television shows of all time. This animated show took plenty of stabs at Hollywood in general and New York City in particular. It was also incredibly random, in an even more cerebral way than the Simpsons is at times. And for that it earned hours of laughter from Yours Truly. Can you honestly watch The Pope break six blocks of ice with his head to a crowd chanting "J.P.! J.P.!" and not laugh? You are not human!

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