Ramblings Of The Sleeping Mind

Nov 08, 2004 07:15

So there I am. It's almost midnight, I'm sleepy, angledge who is visiting for the evening while en route to her move West is sleepy, sleepiness is the general theme here. We crash out, lights off, snoozing begins.

Until the following conversation occurs.

AL: ...Hans?
CV: ...Yes?
AL: I'm worried that Social Security numbers are going to run out.
CV: ...What?
AL: There's only nine digits. That's only a hundred million numbers.
CV: No, it's ok, nine digits gives us nine hundred million numbers. We'll be fine.
AL: Oh good. I was worried.
CV: [self control self control self control]
AL: It's things like that that keep me up at night.

But wait, there's more.

AL: Wouldn't they run out eventually?
CV: Not for a while, with nine hundred million numbers.
AL: But they've been giving them out for fifty years now.
CV: Well... perhaps there's a time limit after someone dies, and their number returns to the pool.
AL: Oh, so all we have to do is start killing off the old people and taking their numbers!
CV: Exactly. *knock knock* Social Security, Ma'am. You're taking up some numbers that others need. KABLAMM! Social Security will be more feared than the IRS!
AL: Well, they have the initials right at least.
CV: Sozial Sekurity Ueber Alles!

The rest of this conversation is unprintable.

Tune in next week for more socio-political commentary with your friends Hans and Ang.

strange, storytime, humor

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