Journey To The Dork Side

Jun 29, 2004 11:59

Do not despair, loyal readers, for I have returned at long last from my annual odyssey to the epicenter of geekdom. Yes, I know, you didn't really miss me, and you don't want to know where I went, but I'm a professional jerk, and I'm going to tell you about it anyway. Gives my fingers exercise, at the least.

First, the confession. I'm the worst kind of geek, a composite, nay, an amalgam of multiple other kinds of geeks. Take a heaping helping of computer game dork, throw in a pinch of comic book nerd and a dash of Trekkie-flavored sci-fi fanboy, add a splash of anime-niac and Tolkienesque bookworm, and then season with that most dreaded of archetype, ex-D&D gamer, and you have me. US law actually prohibited me from touching women until I turned 21, and I still can't open my mouth without using at least one 12-letter word per sentence. It's not a pretty sight.

That being said, I pretty much got to satisfy every one of my nerdular components at Origins 2004. Don't worry, everyone, it'll wash off by Friday, and then you can feel safe in touching me again.

Anyway, in the end I had a lot of fun, got my geek on, and can rest in peace for another year. Especially glad that this year's voyage was far less traumatic than last year's voyage. That was hellish.

Three cheers to 9th Level Games who make the always-amusing "Kobolds Ate My Baby" and "Ninja Burger" games. They are also the proud creators of SATAN, the fastest and easiest dice game this side of Hades.

Then I met Jack Emmert, creator and hero of City Of Heroes, a superhero-themed online RPG that's got me hooked. He was cool and just happy to chat with the fans. Made me want to go out and design a game... but that's a tale for another day.

I went on a quest to find deinemuse's missing man, Boba Fett. Alas, my quest went awry. Details soon to come.

Found some normal games, though, that can be played with people who are not geeks. It's good to cater to the majority once in a while.

Edit: Oh yeah, we're in a movie too. Well, a documentary. Or mockumentary, although it's meant to be somewhat realistic and funny-serious. Something. Whatever. Uber Goober is about gamers, and during the middle section on RPG's, one can easily find myself, mrbigsteve, ebontigress, and a legendary interview with fizrep.

Eventually I returned home, and my lovely housemates looked more radiant than ever after a week around gamers. Yes indeedy. Of course, my computer chose that moment to not quite work right, and so it took a few hours of swearing and cursing and asking for help before it came back online around midnight. Cheeky puter.


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