Actually nothing special is happening. I'm just writing to say WHEEEEEEEE
Also I guess I'm writing to say the end of October does mean candy, but it also means NaNoWriMo for those folks who just write once a year because they're lazy lumps. That would be me. So away I go! I have a plan and an outline and everything, which means absolutely nothing but who's counting?
Also also, I really need to write up some old travelogues. Haven't even finished one of the old ones, and since then I've been to Yellowstone and Ecuador and maybe some other weird place. This of course is brought to my mind because I'm going to Morocco next month, so maybe I should get with the program.
Also also also, it's 2:00 in the office and I feel like a large quantity of wine is needed to pass this day along. But then I'd just run around with a pair of giant scissors and try to cut things and people, so it's better that I not follow this course.
Also4 it's been a week of seeing old friends again, which makes me happy.
Also5, I really do have a pair of giant scissors.