Aug 19, 2003 12:20
For those of you who are even remotely interested in current events, you might be aware that the UN Headquarters compound in Baghdad was bombed this morning, with casualties.
This, of course, happens a lot; blowing up UN stuff is an age-old tradition among, well, everyone. It's always reprehensible, regardless of your feelings for or against the UN's existence. In this case, however, I find it extra-unacceptable, for two reasons.
1) I know at least two persons inside that compound very well, and a number of others I've made brief acquaintances with over the years.
2) I briefly considered taking a short-term posting at that location- I'd always wanted to go off on one of the peacekeeping missions, and that one had a lot of potential to be interesting. Obviously, me being there today would have been... inconvenient.
In summary, blowing up UN buildings is just plain mean.