Yes, it's one of those rare moments where I use LJ for something that's (for the most part) not funny, goofy, stupid, or otherwise non-serious. You are fairly warned.
I like to write stuff. This is a given. I like to write really good stuff, but that doesn't quite happen as often as I'd like. And so I stumble around with ideas and half-written concepts and short stories and what not, and then I write a bunch of gibberish in LJ and feel semi-accomplished. But that's not really the point.
The point is exercise. Writing exercise. A few months ago,
barbarienne hooked me onto the concept of a Writing Marathon. Yes, I'm aware of the existence of NaNoWriMo. One day I'll take a month off of work and do that. But not yet. First I want more practice. Practice of any kind. And therefore I need ideas. Ideas of many kinds.
ladybugbutt tried to help me last time with a "writing assignment", and it worked really well.
So I'm asking you guys/girls/
fizreps, most of whom are creative and talented smarties with more skillzzz than I have, to help me. Leave a comment here with an idea. Could be anything- from something simple like "a story involving a tree" or "a man writing on a wall" to something more specific like "a story featuring Johann Sebastian Bach somewhere you wouldn't expect him to be" to a genre like "a space adventure like Star Trek with less suckage" or "a romantic comedy featuring Canadians" or "OMGFANFICSQUEE!" to an opening like like "a story starting with 'Not far now, little smurfs...'" to a setting like "a seedy bar in Nazi Germany" to... well, anything. I promise you 1000 words using that topic. I do not promise you quality, but I'll try.
If you want to submit more than one idea, that's cool. I will use the first one you offer, and if I have time, I'll take on additional topics. I want to give everyone else a shot first.
What do I write? Well, let's not beat around the bush here. I'm a geek, in case you guys hadn't figured it out already. I like fantasy and science-fiction; they are my stronger points. My weaker points are pretty much anything else. So feel free to challenge me and make me write something outside of the box, so to speak. I can't promise quality, like I said, but I will do my best.
My time limit: One Month- 1-31 October.
My goal: 31000 words minimum.
My limitations: I am totally out of gin.
Over the course of the month, I might post individual pieces as they are completed. Or I might save up for one big post on All Souls Day. Haven't decided yet.
A sincere thank you for your help. And have a nice day.