Jun 27, 2009 13:17
Anyone who knows me is aware that I have no issue with homosexuals, transgenders, transvestites, transexuals, whatever trans-gender type person exists. However, yesterday I will admit I took delight in watching the Big D and the Kids Table crowd throw shit at Jeffree Star. It's not because I want him or any of the people that were on stage with him to get hurt, but because if you are not a musician and most of the "music" you put out has been changed so much from electronics that you are ultimately not even the same person singing anymore then you should NOT be on Warped Tour.
Jeffree Star is famous because of myspace, being seen with people from other bands, and being a loud mouth. I have seen him perform and all he does is say fuck a lot, talk about sex, and sing other people's songs. That is not a musician, that is not a musical artist. He should go back to doing make-up because he should not be on any type of tour unless it's for a rave. I understand that he has many fans but from the ones I talked to yesterday most of them only liked him because "His hair is totally cool and like my parents hate him but I think he's sooooo coool." I'm not going to insult any one who likes him but my goodness, teenage rebellion much? For the people who respect him because of the fact that he wants to be a woman and isn't ashamed of that I'm cool with that, I understand that because it actually means something to you. However, just because he's "oh my god so pretty," that is not a reason to make a musician famous. That's good for a super model, or even someone who can be seen at a rave, but not a true musician as he claims he is.
My main point, and my greatest frustration, is that a real artist/band could have been on the tour instead of him but they got fucked over so he could stand on the stage and lisp into a microphone about how sexy his fans are and how he likes boys blah blah blah. One of his two dancers, the guy, scared me from how emaciated he looked. I wanted to go on the stage and FEED him because I thought he would drop at any moment from starvation or possible drug abuse. I expect someone like Jeffree Star, who spews a bunch of crap about how amazing he is, to be a better role model for the people that put their faith in him. Even some of his fans were complaining about how mean he was to them. Don't be a dick. You're a myspace whore whose only claim to fame is that you have a dick but dress up like a girl and you can do make-up while blowing actual talented musicians. Get off warped tour, go do a rave then dye your hair, I want to see bands who actually know how to create music, not just rip them off.
I'm sorry to any one who I've offended with this post but I needed to say it. I was truly frustrated by him yesterday and I'm sick of him getting viewed as an artist as opposed to a music stealing egomaniac. And the only songs he has made on his own have the basic lyrics of "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me." And those lyrics were what spawned the Big D fans throwing bottles and shoes at him. I didn't hear one person actually say they were doing it because of what he is, they all said "what the fuck is he singing? this is shit." Get off warped and go get fucked Jeffree Star because you are a whore. End.