Absolutely no godmoding or metagaming. This is the golden rule of RPing if there ever was one. No controlling the actions of others, including NPCs. On a similar note, information only available OOCly is not to be magically made known ICly, whether it's plot info or character info, unless there is player agreement about it beforehand.
If possible, please settle player disputes between yourselves, but if a problem is unable to come to a solution, please do not be afraid to contact the mods to settle it. It's partially what we're here for.
Every character is to be from a published canon, no matter how small. No original or fan characters will be accepted.
There is a limit of four characters per person, with a maximum of two characters from the same canon. However, if you prove through activity checks that you are capable of keeping four characters active at a time, you can be given permission for a fifth.
Because this RP allows AUs, up to three of the same character can be played: one OU and two AUs, assuming they all differ radically enough from one another. If you are apping from a canon AU (i.e. Final Fantasy 7's Cloud from the Kingdom Hearts universe), then it is possible to have two OUs. However, for any given character with the same name and character identity as either of the two OUs in that case, there can be only two AUs. If there is both a FF7 and a KH Cloud in the game at the same time, this does not mean there can be four AU Clouds in the game; the max is still two.
Please remember to tag your entries appropriately (and check if in doubt about the correct spelling; tags are to kindly be kept tidy at all times) and appropriately mark/friendslock any material above PG-13. On this note, we do allow NC-17 material if it is very well labeled and kept under cut and friendslock, but keep in mind that NC-17 RPing isn't the focus of this game.
This RP is community-based; no journal posts will be made to the individual journals outside of OOC notifications and application upkeep. All journal posts will be posted in the main community, third-person logs in the log community, and other OOC posts (i.e. hiatus) in the OOC comm. Simple enough, right?
Try to keep things drama-free. Speaks for itself, as well as covers a fairly wide range of frowned-upon activities including talking behind another player's back, excluding players from plots/posts, and generally being an unpleasant person to fellow players, among other things.