I Am God's Messenger.

May 20, 2004 14:31

So I used to believe in God. Then I thought about it and stopped. Because God--or at least mainstream society's perception of "him"--was nonsensical to me.

Then I believed again. Call it dyvine intervention if you will, but I had an urge to believe and my life improved. I can definitely say at this point in time that (clichéd and trendy as it may sound), I'm far from religious yet very very spiritual.

At times, I have talks with God. Before I sleep. As I lay back in a park. On the L Train. Between shots at the bar. God is always there for me, inspiring me to go on, urging me to share my message with the world.

Or in today's case, his message.

This morning, I woke up in sweats, reeling from a sensationably profound statement too powerful to understand. I stood up, shook, and proceeded to sit and shake some more. I eventually made my way to my PC--an appropriate tool with which I could channel the meaning of this confusingly intense revelation.

It took a long time. But I did it. I looked within myself, I looked up to my wonderful Deity, and I summoned up the kingdom, the power, and the glory necessary to do what I was chosen to do.

By the strength and might bestowed upon me by the lord, I share with you all...

God's Message:

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