Nov 17, 2005 08:19
i shall soon be coming home in a week...just like last time....thanksgiving...i actually like being here...i wish i could stay here for ever...just bring Sarah over...and im good to go....haha...the freedom....the NO awesome....its thursday night...what shall i do....nothing..haha....i had to go save one of my friends yesterday...they were at the market....and then they called me and said...can u come and get me....and i looked out the window...and it was i grabbed my umbrella and lef to get them...YEAHHHHHHHH...KRYPTONITE....ohhhhh...smallville tonight...........i had multiple dreams last night.........and i might say...........those were the most realistic and odd dreams i have ever had.....i shant go into details because some parts were terrorfying....and others were like WHOA!!!! and misery..........i beg to dream and differ from those hollow lives...........on holidaaaaaay........cross the line..........can i get another amen(amen).......liberality thrives in this college....not everyone...u know...ive been contimplating if i want to be a doctor....seriously.....theres so much out there....not that im saying im still not going to go that still going to keep working towards being a doctor....but i must keep my mind open..a lot of good stuff out there.......Genetic Doctor...maybe just maybe....i off to class