Feb 15, 2007 18:57
Yesterday places in my area (several of which aren't used to it) received 12" to 18" of snow and sleet. The storm wasn't a surprise nor were the snow totals. All the local media had been broadcastin both along with a warning to stay off the roads unless absolutely nessicary so they could plow and salt them effectively. so what happens? apparenlty people in tose areas not used to such things decided ot travel. Trucks hit the highways... then jackknifed, cars got stuck, on and off ramps were blocked by trucks and cars unable to move. plows couldn't get to the roads to plow and salt them. So things didn't improve (storm still happily dumping snow and ice and sleet of course).
Today the storm is over locally. Things are slowly getting dug out. Local news stations have special reports "what went wrong and how do you plan to fix it in the future?" being asked repeatedly of the state police and road crews. who are remarkably polite about the question being asked (over and over).
For my opininon on the matter ... see the title.
PS. my own area is used to such things, so... interstates and main roads are clean and dry, side road clear but packed snow in places, and a few places that are low priorty still need to be cleaned out. How about that we stayed back and let them do thier jobs and low and behold they did them. Go figure