(no subject)

May 31, 2010 03:32

Well. Semester's finally over, grades are... ehh, exactly what I expected. Slightly better than expected, actually, but still not what I'd hoped or would've liked. Ah well.

Since I've gotten this new tablet and SAI, I have yet to produce anything really worthy of actually... y'know... posting anywhere, but... improved a lot, I suppose? 'Course all of my lineart stuffs is now entirely done with vectors, and calling that drawing just sounds wrong to me, like it's cheating... mebbe not so much if I come up with another word for it rather than try to change my definition of drawing >.>

(Finally) taking a class in Japanese next semester, since it turns out foreign languages are, in fact, eligible for the Liberal Arts Concentration/Minor required by the Comp Sci department, so yay. Winter quarter will prolly be my first of 5 required co-op quarters. Also, HvZ starts back up in the third week of Fall Quarter, hopefully bigger and better than ever.

Must also get to all my Lists. Anime list, Manga List, Book List, Game List, etc.... all those things I've been meaning to watch/read/play when I get the chance and never get around to... closest one to being worked on may be the Book List. I've recently picked up the The Dreamers series by the Eddingses (last of their work I haven't read yet ;o;) and the first book of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams (prolly gonna read these ones first, then back to The Dreamers).

It's so rarely that I ever post WoW-related stuff here, but two pretty big things happened recently. One, I finally managed to put together my Shadow's Edge for the low, low price of only 1600 gold (... and 506 Emblems of Frost >_>) and started down the path to getting the legendary Shadowmourne... aaand my guild finally downed The Lich King (in 10-player raids, at least. Not quite that far in 25 >.>) :D So woot.

Vocaloids and, by extension, UTAUloids are absolutely amazing and have some great songs 8D Must find more. Speaking of which, I may have found my absolute favorite Vocaloid/UTAUloid song ever (so far) - Love Is War (KAITO version). I'm starting to like it even more than the original Miku version or the cover by Fye... which is probably obvious from the fact that I've been sitting here doing nothing but listening to it on endless loop for the past hour and a half or so ^^;;

Sooo... I guess that's about it. I should probably get some sleep now. I need to find an MP3 of this or somefin'... think I'll do that and theeen go to sleep.

EDIT: Actually... while looking for the MP3 I came across of a cover of the song which I also think I might like even better...

EDIT2: Eheheh... spent the past half hour singing along instead of going to bed :D However! Being awake for the GameFAQs poll of the day to change to tomorrow's has informed me of the release of Mega Man Zero Collection coming out for the DS next month! :o Those were some of my favorite GBA games, though I only remember ever playing the first three... definitely picking that one up. ANYWAY. Sleep now, yes.
Just gotta listen a few more times...
o/` Senkyou wa imada owari ga nai... ai wa sensou... kono uta ga kimi ni todoku made wa~ o/`

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