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May 04, 2010 01:03

So, I recently finished reading (as in... last night, and less than a week after starting it XP) The Hidden City (Book Three of The Tamuli [sequel series to The Elenium]) by David and Leigh Eddings. This marks theeeee... eighteenth Eddings book I've read, so far? Five books in The Belgariad, another five in The Mallorean, Belgarath, Polgara, the three in The Elenium and the three in The Tamuli... yep!

Such amazing writers those two were... it makes me sad that they're both gone, now. I've still got five of their books to go (the four in The Dreamers series, when I get around to it, and their standalone fantasy novel The Redemption of Althalus (which I'm starting... right now :D) to read, and I'm fortunate to've learned of their existence and the works, so fwah. I strongly suggest anyone who likes epic fantasy stories to check them out, as soon as possible :D

In other news... I've finally broken down and gotten Pokémon SoulSilver >.>;; ALRIGHT. I give up, it's still addicting! DX I practically grew up on Pokémon, it's hard to resist the pull of a new game D: Especially the remake/remaster/update/WHATEVER of one of my favorites! (also, that é is ALT+130 for those of you wondering. I saw someone mention that it's a pet peeve seeing it spelled without the accented e thing and now it bugs me, too, so I just went and figured out how to type it XD)

This quarter's aaaaalmost over. Currently in the 9th week of classes (out of 10) and pretty much all I have left to worry about now is:
1) Computer Organization final project, due next Tuesday
2) SRS Document thing for Professional Communications, due tonight
3) Prof Comm back work due next Thursday
5) Prof Comm Group Presentation on the thirteenth
6) Two more discussion post topics for Ethics
7) Two more arguments for Ethics
8) Ethics "final project" (basically... an expanded argument)

It looks like a lot, but it's really hardly anything XP The only thing I'm worried about is the Comp Org project... got some puzzle program to write in Assembly x-x;

Overall, the weekend was actually pretty good, aside from a horrendous night at work last night >.>; BUT! in spite of that! fwah.

Time to get some sleeps now. I'm supposed to wake up in 5 hours, eheheh >_>;;
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