Apr 23, 2004 01:59
Its short b/c my computer messed up AGAIN. Well nothing is new with me. I'm still single and looking. Theres 2 girls that i like. Ones in my HR and the other is 9th grader i dont have the umph to ask out either. It feels like theres no ne to talk to about it. Its not that i NEED a GF but it would be nice to kno that a girl is thinking of me thats all. Its almost 2 in the morning so i think i should go to bed but ID want to. But i'm going to go. Hope to talk to you all later. Heres a quiz result from Quizilla.com theres no pic sry. Bye.
You're addicted to..... Nothing! Alright, your absolutly cleen, no addictions for you. Hmmmm, well i don't know what else to say, but come on just think of all the possibilities!