Things I need to remember!

Mar 07, 2010 02:10

Don't use: the word "retarded", things that are female gendered, or things that are positive (such as sex acts) as insults.

I have a difficult time with some of these. Female gendered insults are my main quibble and if anyone has some good male gendered ones I can use instead, that would be RAD. (The word "douche" snuck (my spellchecker doesn't believe this is a word) into my vocabulary and it MAKES ME CRAZY. Though, to be fair, douching is not actually a positive female gendered thing so I might make an exception. Like for "motherfucker" because there is a your mom joke in it. WE SHALL SEE.) In general, I would like to abolish "fuck" as a swearword, even though I like to say it. Also, for someone who is basically an atheist, I use a lot of religion related swear words. This, I'm basically okay with.

Why am I being pedantic about my vocabulary late at night? Because I'm editing/writing and SOMETIMES I write things without thinking about their greater implications. Fortunately I rarely post immediately after writing so I have a long editing process in which to make corrections and generally feel like a loser for bad word choice.

I also noticed that most of my ff12 fic has this format: Noah is injured, Vaan hates him forever but helps him anyway. Whoops. In at least one, there is punching involved.

Whereas my ff8 fic is more like: Zell is more awesome than all y'all.

At least I'm consistent?

PS to any of my lovely old school fandom ladies: Do any of you know where I might find NOT super crappy episodes of The Sentinel? The last time I watched it was on VHS and I'd really much rather have files for my computer. According to the wikipedia, it aired on SciFi a while ago and so maybe there are episodes of later seasons that are not only on VHS? Maybe?

(That question may be irrelevant as I have actually found torrents but I don't know what the video quality is going to be like. I'm scarily excited about this you guys. NOSTALGIA.)

eta: The videos are STRANGELY TINY. But they do appear to be scifi rips so at least the overall quality is probably not bad.

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rl, latenight pondering, fandom

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