Nothing exciting to write about. Life has been school, and deadlines, and stress. As usual. But on the plus side, one of my deadlines was pushed back by a week. This is a very good thing; now I no longer have two papers due back to back. Another good thing - my insomnia thing finally seems to be gone... I actually got a solid 8 hours of sleep last
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I believe it was the last night before John was moving out of town..wait, no, he was getting ready to go and we all went out for an insanely drunken night at Cambridge House. After of course, we had to have a bit of the ol' circle of self-esteem. I remember thinking how brilliant Ryan is and how i knew he would be an absolute success. And i remember (though vaguely) some of the things people said about him in the circle, and some of the things he said about us in the circle. And while the memory isn't too terribly clear, i did walk alway from there knowing the Ryan Lake is one of the kindest, most sincere, people i have ever known. He's not made of bullshit like so many other people are. So i guess my memory isn't of Ryan at that specific moment, it's of Ryan always.
Oh yeah, and one more...I remember when Ryan, Kelley, and I were all supposed to go on the China trip and then SARS hit. Motherfucker! Anyway, i remember him being concerned about missing the NHL play-offs while being in China. Well, buddy, God came through for ya. tee hee
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