*Dusts of live journal*

Apr 22, 2008 10:14

*coughs and sneezes at the piles of dust*

Ah, yeh. Heh, I haven't made a post in so long. It's really weird like that, I just really haven't found the urge to post on LJ anymore though I do check it every morning... Well okay I check it ever -TUESDAY-... *looks around*

What? Okay yes.
I've been running around on at least three or four toons in Wow most of em all in a different Guild. Leveling, chatting to the guild members, and just in general rotting my brain on some good RP, along with some of the worst crap and BS I could ever read.

It's like IRC but like twenty times worse! It includes a movable character! xD

But I've also been sick on and off, taking the rug rat to school, and a few other things that I just don't write about.
Today though I think I'll get a buncha stuff done.
Before the maintence of WoW is done.


Don't look at me like that.
I know I'm an addict.

And for good measure, heres a vid I made :D

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