Oct 04, 2009 00:15
I need a new mousepad.
Rather, I need a mousepad. Because I work almost exclusively on laptop computers, it's been years since I used a mouse on a regular basis. Recently I picked up two wireless USB mice -- a cheapie one to use with the laptop when I'm fiddling in a graphics program (you just try editing in Photoshop with a touchpad and see how far you get), and a decent one with a much longer range for when I'm playing computer games via the television screen, so I don't have to sit with my nose touching the TV in order for the wireless mouse to work.
So now that I'm mousing more than once or twice a year, I need my own mousepad. I've been grabbing the one we use with the living room's desktop computer whenever I need to mouse, but it's several years old and the fabric top is all nubbed up, which makes the optical mouse skip and snag constantly. Besides, a) it's ugly and b) mousepads are cheap. You can get pretty much any image you want on a mousepad; there's no reason I shouldn't have my very own with a design I find pleasing!
There are a LOT of mousepads available out there on the Internet. Originally I wanted to go with CafePress and get one with a photo of Sky on it, but you need a really large photograph to screen decently onto a mousepad and I just don't have any pics of Sky that are big enough to use without looking blurry. Not any cute ones, anyway. Allie effortlessly manages to look like an AKC champion preening on a postcard in every single picture ever taken of her, but Sky is somewhat less photogenic and often looks scruffy or is making a strange face for the camera. I would happily murder something to be able to use the photo of her that's in use as my LiveJournal icon -- yes, that is my actual dog in that picture, looking much like a posed stuffed toy -- but every copy I have of that particular pic is way too small for CafePress to use. I'm still chasing her with the camera regularly in the hopes of lucking into a great picture, but in the meantime, I did some poking around to see what other mousepads might be available.
It's amazing what pops into your head when you start considering, "Hmmm... what things do I like enough to want to stare at the picture for hours on my mousepad?" I've managed to narrow it down to about half a dozen potentials:
-- Mickey Mouse
-- Winnie the Pooh
-- a squirrel
-- a purple and white iris
-- a map of Middle Earth (very similar to the 4x3 ft giant poster that takes up most of my bedroom wall)
-- the shield \ coat of arms of the Jedi Knights
-- the Legend of Zelda Triforce
What would be on YOUR mousepad?