Random thought for the day

Nov 11, 2008 09:17

When a woman finally wins the presidency... what will we call her husband? "First Husband" like we say "First Wife"... maybe that's why men just won't support a woman president... they just can't stand the thought of being "second best"! ;)

Oh, and that brings up another random thought... heard this on the Boortz show last month and haven't looked for the answer yet. The presidental candidate is elected Nov. 4 (this year...) and inauguration is Jan. 20. So... what if something happens to the president-elect in that time? Does the job then go to the vice-president elect? Or does the loser get the job now? The question was presented as a McCain win question 'cause of his age/health issues. At any rate, I need to look into this one unless someone here knows the answer.

One more! Historical fact for ya. Technically we do NOT elect our president, remember. That will be done in December by the Electoral College. Well, back in the early days, they had to make an ammendment to the rules on the Electoral College to say that IF a caniadate died... the electors for that caniadate were NOT required to vote for that candidate. It happend twice as I recall, that a candidate died. One of them died and still got like 8 electoral votes! Go figure!

Okay, work to do now ...
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