Welcome, To The Black Rainbow Paradise

Apr 04, 2029 21:52

Light. Happiness. Joy. Confidence. Optimism. None of these things will you find here. No, not at all. This journal is explicitly exclusive to only my darkest thoughts and most precious secrets. If you would prefer to see the true me, and who I really am, please direct yourself to my good friend,

I am indeed who I say I am inside that journal, but that doesn't mean that I am only him. I am not schizophrenic. I am merely weary of suppressing my strongest emotions, which are sadness, love and sometimes, though rarely, anger. I also would like to clarify, that though I have tried to make it seem that way, I am most definitely not cruel, sadistic or evil. Instead, I am the victim. I am the tortured one that much of this darkness causes. And believe me, not all of it is darkness either. No, some of it is light, and all it needs is to be looked at in a different way. I may even post the flipside of my subjects, just to feel better. Nonetheless, optimism is not one of my greatest talents.

Finally. Nothingness. Eternity. Darkness. Noir. Despair. All my own. That is what you will see here in ChaosMith, and I invite you to see the shady side of life. Just join me in my legion of grief, as my journal is friends only, and I may add you as well, and we may share in the darkness.