Insights of an average joe

May 15, 2008 21:17

The world is vastly unique in the way it works, even though there is no other physical world we can see and compare to The world itself is a wonderous thing and the rules it follows and flows with create a beauty beyond imagination. I love looking out into the green lucious life and thinking about how the world works and fits as a puzzle made up of living pieces. Pieces that are constantly changing and reshaping. Everytime we slip up we alter and pop out of the smooth evolution of the routines of life and we must readujst and reshape till we fit ourselves back into the big picture and restore our place. sometimes we change so much that our puzzle piece wont fit in the same place it once did and we must search for a way to fit back in.

Contentment is the key to this, you must embrace the events of the day and you must embrace your faults, find the good and the weakness and adjust. Constantly keeping up with the flow of life and the amazing wonders of complex perspectives. Dont sit in one spot and stare at a picture, move around view all the angles and notice the things the are most prominent from each angle. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but hidden beauties are revealed when we look at things in a different light, from angles we never knew existed. Search for the angles and open your eyes, you never know what you've missed until you begin to look for it.

Nate :D
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