I found a place!
or more appropriately it found me. I am moving in with My teammate Lamb Baste-Her in what I am now dubbing "The House with The Bad Reputations", It is a great place in the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood and it is hella cheap. The only down side is that I can't bring Paco. It will only be for 6 months until the roommate that is allergic moves out but it will be hard. I have so much love for that cat. He really is my best friend. I have never lived in a house without the unconditional love of a fuzzy pet before. I need that love and Paco gives it so well with his head butts and little kisses. Sometimes it is the only thing that gets me through the day.
But I have a great new place that will allow me to even save some money and maybe have a little extra for a trip to SF before the year is out to see my love and my wicked new vampy friends.
I went to Sin City alone on Saturday...it was okay...I am getting use to this alone feeling and learning how to be okay with it. Now if I could just get over being so shy I don't know what to do with myself when some cute girls hit on me and invite me back to their private party it would be a lot better.
My costume came out perfectly. Although I have to say there is a decided lack of Steam Punk in Vancouver. Hello not all Pirates are on the Sea!
my camera was FUBARed that night so all I have are pictures from the event
This is my friend FireWeed. I have had a crush on her for years but I get too shy to do any thing about it (she is also a little more submissive then I like my women) This is not a good picture of either of us.
I have no idea who these people are (well except the infamous "Mr Dark"). The girl just asked me to take a picture with them because she thought I looked cool.