day 11 - a song from your favorite band
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I love love love love love LOVE. Jack's Mannequin. This is my most favorite song from them ever. I adore it. :)
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
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At one point in time, I must have liked this song. Because I find myself with a copy of the CD it is on, and I have no recollection of why on Earth I ever would have lost my senses enough to ever want to own anything create by a group of people calling themselves Puddle Of Mudd. God.
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
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Thanks to Kaia, I have sort of become a closet Lady Gaga fan. She put almost the entire discography on my ipod once when I was home, and now every time they come up, I find myself knowing the lyrics! I like this one, I'm not sure why. It's sort of fun, and also weird, and I like chorus. hahaha
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
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Although none of my roomies will find this surprising, because since we've started hanging out with Ruth, we have all picked up a liking of rap. But I loooove this song. It's weird. haha