So, the Pats lost the Super Bowl. Big freaking deal. Was I a little shocked and slightly disappointed? Sure, they're the team I've always watched and the team I watched go 18-0 19-1 this season. But despite all the hype, I was watching for one thing: the commercials.
Anyone who watched the game in its entirety got a boatload of advertisements ranging from stupid (the caveman one for Bud Light) to the expertly deadpan (the mousetrap one for Doritos) to the few over-the-top ones (carrier pigeons for FedEx). But really, am I the only one disappointed with the the uber-reliance on the cheap "Aww, how cute" hook?
If you watched the ads like I did, feel free to post comments on your favorites. I personally thought the FedEx pigeon one was the best. Sure, it used animals but the hook wasn't that they were adorable. It was that GIANT birds were failing to deliver packages and that they were wreaking havoc on the city. I was laughing quite a bit there. Other favorites included (in no real order)...
-The Pepsi Max head-nodding ad. Way to get the message across in a parody. Whereas most of the other memorable ones were just amusing, this actually stuck as a decent advertisement.
-The Bridgestone scream ad. Come on, you laughed too. The Alice Cooper/Richard Simmons follow-up was icing on the funny cake.
-The Audi Godfather ad. They replicated the infamous scene perfectly. And it’s the freaking Godfather.
-The Thriller lizard ad. Take Naomi Campbell out of the equation and amp up the fact that you have animated lizards doing Thriller and you've got a really fun spot. Not necessarily a great hook for Sobe but fun nevertheless.
-The Genie Search animated ads. Watch them and tell me they aren't being obvious about their stereotyping. For balls (or is it advertising suicide?) alone, they make the list.
-The Etrade baby ads. Downright hilarious to watch and you're inclined to pay close attention to the baby but not necessarily what he's saying. All the more reason to check out Etrade later.
-Career Builder's firefly ad. Seeing the Jiminy Cricket wannabe get nailed was fantastic. Period.
-The Doritos mousetrap ad. It took itself ever so seriously...and then there was a furry. For making me say: "Apparently the furries next door like Doritos," this one stuck.
-The Justin Timberlake ad. I had to look up what it was for afterwards (Pepsi Stuff) but I will not soon forget the image of Justin Timberlake being tossed around like a ragdoll.
-The parade balloon Coke ad. By keeping it as natural looking as possible, the sheer outrageous nature of the ad came right across. AND it made me remember the product.
-The Shaq Vitamin Water ad. Not that anyone remembered that the ad was for Vitamin Water or anything, but seeing Shaq dwarf a racehorse and then seeing the look on his face after he gets the congratulatory butt-tap made me giggle.
There were some other memorable ones but these were the entertaining ones. There’s a MySpace page that has every Super Bowl ad available to watch so don’t feel too lost.
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