This past week has been a real emotional rollercoaster of the highest highs and the lowest lows. Very strange. I'll just go in order in a series of cuts to spare everyone pages of reading.
Last Friday was filled with anticipation. I was going to my first ZO2 show! I waited outside Krissy's class like a relay runner waiting for the baton. I had bought about 10 bags/boxes of snacks for the ride out to Poughkeepsie and back. It's about a three and a half hour long ride (minus traffic) if you floor it, four and a quarter if you drive like a normal human being, and we were in a hurry. Krissy bolted out of class at ten 'till four and we booked it from campus after we'd written "ZO2 or bust" on her Jeep's window. ZO2 was slated to go on at 9:45 and we wanted to be there VERY early; like 8:15 early. After all, we weren't about to get turned away at the door after driving all that way. So all was fine until we hit Route 95. There was an accident in Coventry and traffic was backed up well into Warwick. Of course, when we got to the 'scene,' there was no smoking wreckage to be found; just a bunch of leftover curiousity traffic. *sigh*
So, we flew through the rest of Rhode Island and Connecticut making excellent time. We didn't stop at all except for a trip through a Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru until we were less than ten miles away. At 7:30 with nothing to do, we stopped at a pet store to kill some time and stretch. Around 8, we headed into Poughkeepsie and found The Chance with little trouble. We went in, I was decked out in my concert attire and ZO2 swag, and met up with Anthony (ZO2's merch guy) and Bobby (their producer). We hung out with them and watched another band before finding out that ZO2 was bumped up to the 11 o'clock slot. Just then, our friend from the Z-Team, Carol, walked in with her mom, Vicki. We all hung out together until we got the great news: The boyz had arrived! Paulie and David were reclusive but Joey came out and hung out with us for a good half hour. I proudly displayed my "Happy (late) birthday Joey!" sign and he looked so surprised. It was adorable. He asked if I wanted him so sign it and I said "No, I want you to keep it!" The smile was priceless! It subsequently ended up on the corner of their merch board for the rest of the night. I was glowing like a proud parent. When Joey left to go backstage, Krissy, Carol, Vicki and I headed into the pit. We squirmed our way to the stage and waited through sound check, where we met fellow Z-Teamers Donna and Jill, until the show finally started. It was AMAZING! I sang every word and played eye hockey with each of the boyz through their set. David and I have a history of mock challenging each other with our eyes during shows. Over the past few years at TSO, I've been playing that game with him and it keeps getting more and more fun every time! I'm convinced that there's no cooler feeling than having one of your favorite musicians stare you in the eye as you sing along with them. I love it!
After the set, the boyz came out to hang with us fanz. David remembered me from TSO and was shocked that I was all the way out in NY just for the show. He (along with everyone else) was even more shocked when I told them that I would be going home that night to catch a bus to NYC for another show the next day! I finally got my CD inserts signed. In the absence of a flat surface, I offered Paulie by back to sign them on. He caught me off guard when he asked with a wink if he could use my front instead, hehe. I said "that works too" and he promptly got to signing them on my chest. He tucked them into my shirt afterwards and I practically fell over from fangirl overload. I was in rare form there. I had to decline the opportunity to down a shot with the boyz but rest assured, when I turn 21, my first shot will be with them! After the signing mayhem had passed, David headed out to the van to lie down and Paulie and Joey stuck around. I got to ask Paulie about some lyrics and we had a great discussion. Then, of course, the boyz got hunger pangs. Remember those 10 bags/boxes of food? Well, Krissy and I only got through 1. The rest went to the boyz. I made them promise to share with David though, hehe. They were thrilled. I said goodbye to everyone, that I would see some of them the next night, and headed out with Krissy just before 2. Krissy nabbed the show sign at Anthony's suggestion and we drove home riding the best of natural highs. I got back to RIC at ten 'till 6 and started the second part of my ZO2 adventure weekend...