Nov 27, 2006 19:43
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert on Saturday was A-FREAKING-MAZING. I can't even describe how awesome it was to see them from the sixth row. My brother's girlfriend got some great pictures with her phone that I'll put up later. I had an aisle seat and got to touch Chris when he went for his customary run around the arena. I was playing eye-hockey with the bassist, David Z., all night (and he rocks that tux, if I do say so myself) and caught the eyes of a few other band members too. The best part of that whole thing was after the show in the meet and greet line where one of the vocalists (Jay Pierce) remembered catching my eye in one of his songs and thanked me! I was thrilled. The lighting and effects were beyond spectacular and the music rocked so hard I was practically jumping out of my seat. Poor Chris's guitar cut out for a good half a song. He was ticked but braved it well. Alex filled in his solos and all was well. The show still rocked out loud. Even a few of the local string players were throwing up the horns from the stage! That was awesome.
As if I'm not a fangirl enough as it is, here's why I'm quickly becoming more and more of one: I purposely went to the very end of the meet and greet line so that I could try to get a picture with Chris. I waited an extra hour in line for this and he was totally up for it. Then, David Z. (the hott eye hockey guy) came up and asked if he could get in on it. Umm, YES! So I have a picture [that I will post as soon as I get it developed] of me with Chris Caffery on one arm and David Z. on the other. Chris and David both gave me a big hug after and we parted ways. I went outside to find the rest of my family/friends. They were talking to a guy who knows about half the band personally and he was giving us tips on where to find the band before/after shows. He was totally right when he said that David would be the first out and that he would make straight for the slots. (We were at Mohegan Sun) Sure enough, David comes out in a t-shirt and jeans and gives all eight of us a hug. Even though I was right in the middle, he gave me one last and (according to everyone with me) lingered a bit longer than with everyone else. Hehe. Hello self-esteem.
Here's the ultimate fangirl thing though: Just to see what I could get, I looked at the best available seats for the Dunkin' Donuts Center shows on December 17th. They were practically in Guam so I looked up a single seat. Hello FIFTH ROW AISLE! *snatches ticket and does an hour-long happy dance* After the 17th, I will be able to die happy. I fully plan to be in Providence all day stalking, er, going to the places where they're likely to hang out before and between shows. Afterward, I'll put myself at the end of the meet and greet line again and totally suggest some local hot-spot for them to go to...with me. I'm a local, after all. Otherwise, I don't mind just hanging out in hotel rooms. Hehe, did I say I was a fangirl? I might very well become a groupie! *gasp!* If I didn't have a bit of a rapport with the band already, and not just from this one show but from six years of correspondence, I'd never think to do any of this but, hell, I have a night of fun to myself and I'm gonna make it rock!