ARG! Real Monstar!

Oct 28, 2008 14:42

Life has been crazy busy for me the last month. Between Office Depot (hereafter referred to as The OD), school, and Netherworld, I haven't been able to find any time to be social or, really, sleep much. Thank goodness it's only another few days until SOLAR. I really need my break from reality. Making money has been good, and I love the Netherspawn like family, but I feel like I've been missing out on game goodness.

This year at Netherworld has been... amazing. The last two years of being at the casting director's beck and call have really paid off for me, and she's really letting me exercise my creativity a lot more. It's been good for getting back into improving in time for a switch into a theatre program this spring. It's also been really good for my waistline- running after people in a warehouse where the temperature typically resides at around 90 degrees is wonderful for the waistline. I have more energy than I've had in a good long while, and lost about 12 pounds just in the last few weeks. Go Go Netherworld diet!! :)
One of the most fun characters I've gotten play recurrently this season is my gypsy, Dame Ysme. It varies from night to night, but her basic concept is that she's a gypsy werewolf dealing with an identity crisis. It's been a blast to play up, and as a result, I've spent a lot of time in pretty jingly garb. So, I've decided I want to start taking bellydance again. I took classes a few years ago for a little while with Amy, but the instructor, simply put, was unimpressive, so if I go back to classes I need to find a new teacher that knows her stuff and still lies within a reasonable price range for a poor college kid. Any of you awesome bellydancer chicks have any suggestions?

I'd really like this cold to go away. It's difficult to be scary when you're constantly having to blow your nose.
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