Dec 12, 2007 16:52
1. I'm sure we all know what your name is... so, tell us what your boss' name.
Kelly... and she is rad
2. Do you actually read your friend's surveys, or do you just copy paste them
i copy and paste, then read theirs as i write my answers
3. Are you addicted to sex?
....mmaybe haha
4. Would you ever take back your ex?
5. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker?
fuckin oath.. and allways bloody thinkin.. i think far too much.
6. Name two people who you are close with.
Sammi and Nick
7. Which one of those 2 people would you eat first, if you were starving?
Sammi hahha ...she looks delish ;o)
8. How many red shirts would you say you own, off the top of your head?
uhhhh none.. haha
11. How old will you be in 2021?:
12. Would you rather be tone deaf or color blind?:
color blind. music is my life.
13. When do you think is the proper time in a relationship to give the other
person your business card?:
.....coz i have those...
14. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite?
i have no idea.... dont even know any other than johnny the homicidal maniac and that was pretty sweeet... so i guess that haha
15. You can only wear a sock on one foot for the rest of your life... which foot
is it?: ....whoever made this survey is on acid.
16. How many words can you make out of the letters of your name?:
Sarah, haras... 2
17. How do you feel about fake plants?: FTW ...really ones scare me.
18. What is your obsessive compulsion?
pretty much everything... ask sam.. shes the one that points them out to me.. i dont even know im doin shit like that half of the time hahah
19. What do you think the odds are of the person who posted this before you
becoming a rock star?:
can she be a real estate rockstar coz i think she'll nail that soon.
20. Do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements
"we're just dating" and "we're together"?:
i hate both terms. haha.. i hate men... and their indecisiveness...
21. When you think, do you see the words that you are thinking in your mind,
as if they were being written down?:
maybe if i was on acid...
22. If a person is brought up speaking both Spanish and English in equal
amounts and equally fluently, which language do they think in?:
...seriously.. pass the acid tabs round...
23. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size?:
umm no... not at all...
24. Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it?
not a chance.. im with rob.. the government is a gang thats out to get me... haha... so IN THEIR FACES if i got away with cheating my taxes...
25. You are walking on the beach when suddenly you find a genie lamp. You rub it, and out pops the genie. He proclaims that he is so thankful to you for letting him out after thousands of years that he gives you three wishes. What do you think he did with his time while he was in there?:
masterbating furiously..
26. If you had braces, would you put little diamonds on your brackets and call them your "grill"?:
27. If you could sleep with your ex one last time, would you?:
...that would be awkward.... and no probly not.
28. Which is worse... someone blowing cigarette smoke in your face, or kissing someone who has dip in their mouth?:
29. Had you ever answered any of these questions before?:
30. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?:
31. Who were you with last night?
went to rye's and hung with him and anneke and they cooked me dinner and we all hung with aaron n kristy when they got home.... n then.. yeaaah
32. What woke you up this morning?:
my phones alarm clock.. which blast bon jovi -livin on a prayer at me to wake me up haha
33. Whats above you?:
a light
34. You have 24 hours to live... what are you going to wear?!?!?:
nothing.... nudist from way back. haha
35. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?:
hmmm...on tour in europe.
as 2007 comes to an end...
1) Where did you begin 2007?
At the espy noddin my head along to the stoner sounds of Peeping Tom at the Espy... allllllright.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
fighting... haha
3) Were you in school? (anytime this year)
nooope... thank fuck.. tho those were the easy years.
4) How did you earn your money?
Worked at HBA then at InsuranceLine
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
yes.... i broke up in the most disgusting rash uve ever seen for no reason.. it was hot. yyeah u like that ;o)
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
har har har.....
7) Where did you go on holidays?
brissy and sydney for FOTD
8) What did you purchase that was over $1,000?
parking fines...
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
Miss Nic and Gonzy.. madesnakes <3 xo
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
yes. r.i.p.
11) Did/Do you like someone?
yes :'o( oooh it hurts me.
12) Did you move anywhere?
um.. well i moved from home to school..
14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Christina Aguilera, Down, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Cephalic Carnage, Black Dahlia Murder, Phantom of the Opera, TESTAMENT, Machine Head.
15) Are you registered to vote?
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
CRAFTER.... *watches tumbleweed pass by while pulling duckface swan neck pose*
17) Where do you live now?
18) Describe your birthday?
my birthday was rad... it was at Back in the day.. we got all glammed up.. electrik dynamite entered an air guitar comp as an airband and played the trooper... i got very drunk with sam and we had photos with tims crutch... i crawled around on the floor... ryan and timmy carried me along up duane driveway... i crashed there and threw up in the morning.. allllright ;o)
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
umm... hahaha.
20) What has been your favorite moment?
theres been a lot.
21) Where did you go on vacation?
brissy and sydney
22) Any new additions to your family?
23.) What was your favorite month?
umm... september.
24) How much have you partied?
hahaha lots and lots
26) Made new friends?
yes :)
27) What did you do for 4th of July?
no shitting idea... i cant remember what i ate for breakfast.. or if i even ate breakfast.. haha
28) Favorite Night out?
jebus... fotd nights were sweeet.... my birthday nite... timmys 21st... testament oh my god testament.. christina...
29) Name the instance in which you had most to drink.
my birthday.... or actually i think i outdid myself at bang a few weeks ago.. very ashamed of myself haha
30) Are you in a relationship with someone you met this year?
no idea... well im not... haha but.. i have no idea whats going on in my whirlwind life. chiknpoo