Dec 26, 2010 01:29
[chaos hadn't written a letter to Santa, so he had managed to avoid any repercussions. Instead, he had spent the day inside listening in on the phone calls which had been put out, responding only to the few people he knew or those who he felt he need respond to, but otherwise trying to fathom what each call had pertained to.]
[Sadly, most of the calls he would not understand, simply having more questions than answers. But he had noticed several recurrent themes in them, or possible recurrent themes. He could not be sure if the things he had guessed were correct, but he did know they were likely. Most of them, there was little to be done about. But for others, there were things to be said.]
[So now, chaos speaks into the phone. His voice is warm and pleasant. He sounds sure of the words he speaks.]
It seems yesterday was a bad day for many. It sounded as if a few of you had perhaps heard from people you care for, and that they had moved on? If you were one of those, I would ask you to think very carefully of where you are before you even begin to believe it. And after you realize where you are, think of those people; you will know them better than Mayfield ever can. If your first thought is "It isn't possible," that is very likely the truth of the matter.
Mayfield seems to enjoy trying to make us believe that everything we have ever had is so much worse than what is here, and that here is the best place to live. If one does not agree, they try to break them through whatever means necessary. Or so, it seems at least. But whether it is the truth, or there is some other reason for Mayfield's games, things which pertain to those who are not here should not be taken seriously; they should be treated as another cruel game.
And since they decided to ruin yesterday, I would encourage everyone to make today their Christmas. Visit or call those of whom you care for that are here, and remember that there is always hope.
[ooc: If responding, feel free to make your response filtered and then chaos will do the same; he just doesn't give a care of Grady or the Mayor or anyone else hears him.]