[Phone - Unfiltered]

Aug 12, 2011 14:49

[It didn't take chaos long from waking up to realize something seemed off somehow.  It wasn't that he was back in Mayfield, he wasn't quite sure if he'd actually left, but he knew the dates were way off from what they had been the last time he recalled, and he had tended to keep track pretty steadily.  The images in the house also seemed different ( Read more... )

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[Phone] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 20:03:28 UTC
[Looong shocked pause as Nall registers chaos' voice. It'd been so long, he had started to believe he'd never see or talk to chaos again... He gives himself a moment to process this, but when he talks, his voice is still a bit off.]

I dunno if "shock" would be how I'd describe it...

Where are you now, chaos?


Re: [Phone] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 20:07:22 UTC
I'm sorry if it caused you pain. I really have no idea what happened...

As for where, it seems I've been relocated to Kramden Road.


[Phone] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 20:15:32 UTC
Don't go apologizing for things you couldn't control. That's opening a whole can or worms we don't want any part of.

What address?


Re: [Phone] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 20:17:05 UTC
Haha I suppose so... [My the people in Mayfield do like to scold him for apologizing, don't they?] 1487. Are you still on Bilko?


Re: [Phone] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 20:23:17 UTC
Yep, still at 913.

I'm coming over, I'll catch you up on what you missed, alright?


Re: [Phone] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 20:25:11 UTC
Alright. I'll wait for you outside on the step.


Re: [Phone] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 20:43:42 UTC
Gotcha. See you soon.

[Nall hangs up and hoofs it over to the new address, pausing slightly by the steps to catch his breath.]


Re: [Phone] -> [Action] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 20:45:08 UTC
[chaos, as promised, is seated on the step outside. He's wearing his own clothes, since he retained them, and smiles at Nall]

Your human form still I see.


[Action] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 23:23:30 UTC
[Nall grins roguishly.]

Guess I'm just too darn handsome this way.

Man, you wouldn't believe how good it is to hear you say something other than "nice kitty."


Re: [Action] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 23:28:23 UTC
[chaos nods a bit]

Yes... I imagine it was interesting for those who knew me to see me act like a teenager. I just hope I did not cause any unnecessary troubles.


Re: [Action] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 23:48:11 UTC
Nah, you didn't make any trouble... didn't get into any either, thankfully. There's a new woman at the house, she didn't take to showing up here well at all. She injured Ventus' drone before I could find her and talk her down.


Re: [Action] chaoschildofgod August 12 2011, 23:49:51 UTC
I see... [Does look vaguely concerned] And how is she acting now?


Re: [Action] catslooklikeme August 12 2011, 23:55:28 UTC
Still pretty twitchy at times. From what I understand, her home was really dangerous, she seems like she's constantly on edge. I'm not looking forward to her getting back any abilities she had before, she said that she's something of a pyromaniac...


Re: [Action] chaoschildofgod August 13 2011, 00:01:34 UTC
The heightened senses may serve her some use here in Mayfield, however I do hope you've warned her to be cautious of the powers that be, and that she doesn't attack without cause.


Re: [Action] catslooklikeme August 13 2011, 00:06:56 UTC
'Course I did. She didn't seem keen on the idea of getting droned for acting out of control.


Re: [Action] chaoschildofgod August 13 2011, 00:09:34 UTC
That is at least something. [Stands quietly so he and Nall are now more or less face to face] You have been doing as well as you can, considering this place, I hope?


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