(no subject)

Sep 07, 2013 19:23

wow, i haven't used this thing in ages. since it's been so long, i might as well make this latest post something worthwhile and full of meaning. something signifi

well maybe complaining is a bit of a misnomer

baby is accurate, however

Basically, I've hit that certain nebulous point where I want to get more involved on things on a MUSH but it's been so long I don't quite know where to begin. This mainly goes for Persona MUSH - SRT's never been too hard for me to get a good grasp of where things stand. But lately I've felt like something of an outsider looking in, or like my presence is transient at best, which while I'm sure is just one of those passing moods makes it no less frustrating or me no less wanting to fix it.

Of course, I don't really know how, because I don't really know what plans are already in place with who or even what angles there are to work with. This applies less so for Eikichi, really; FCs feel a lot less difficult to get involved in things in the overall and on top of that, in terms of motivations Eikichi isn't especially complex. I can just have fun with him being a self-conscious narcissist with a heart of gold. And besides, at the end of the day my main on PMUSH is really Daisuke. He's the one I'd really like to get significantly involved with and the one I really enjoy writing for. It's just been tough for me, lately, to do so in a capacity that hasn't been equal to guest appearances and cameos.

I don't know. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, but I know this is probably something in the long run I'll have to figure out for myself. Just gotta see what ideas come to me.

and for those who don't want to read through all my nonsensical ramblings here's a short, neat summary http://i.imgur.com/RK5d84r.png

you're welcome

baby you got a stew goin'!!, mushing, honestly you guys, get a clue, what else do i talk about on here

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