Sep 29, 2004 15:37
Who is to decide what impurity is and what it means. Most commonly accepted as something that is "Not Pure". But the thing that really get's me is not what impurity is, but what "pure is". What has human kind ever accomplished in purifying anything. Can we really purify anything truly in a manner which is suitable, when our interpretation of pure is a guess at best. Our country was originally founded by Puritans, who's main goal in life was to become "Pure", and even then they were in a confused state about their religion. They believed to be truly pure, god chose you as a "Saved one" before you were even born. Thus you must live your life as unsinnfully as possible in order to take on the rewards of being one of god's chosen. This group although religiously quite unstable, formed a great foundation for American society which is hard working and very labor orientated, because that is what their whole life involved. They in themselves though, did not create and evolve our country into what it is{trust me im not saying we are in great shape, just the principles of our country as far as im concerned}, but instead when rationalists erupted into an outbreak followed by their religion of Deism, was actually when our country started to develop. This newly evolved culture was the first basis for separation between church and state, mainly because they believed it was god's will for man to be generally happy. Their thought process was that of long standing virtues, mainly those put forth by Benjamin Franklin, and they believed that if you or your actions did any good in life, it was god's will. Not in fact a generally bad idea, and one that lead to great improvement in our country. So anyways, when you go back to the fact that our country was based on "pure people" who tried to maintain this status through hard work you can see the more common perceptive to what i find "pure" to be. "Pure" to me is a general mix between rationalist feeling, and that of Puritan ethic. To me to be "Pure is to be someone who is working towards the general happiness and well being of others, someone who has faults because without them you aren't human enough to make a difference. A person who rationally and logically thinks things through to find the best outcome in most situations. And i always believed that the concept of being "Pure" is what makes a difference in whatever afterlife may occur to any "Soul". When the consequence of devilish tasks on earth is eternal damnation and torture in a fiery hell, i would hope that the acceptance process isn't that harsh. For what kind of god abhors his people so much that he would condemn so many to hell, with in relativity only a short "Test on earth". Even then i can't completely comprehend why it is absolutely a person's fault for being "Bad" in their earthly life. The situations they go through in life are what makes them the person they are, and that really can't be avoided, because their soul was created in that way so that they would accept those situations, and relate in their own way. If they weren't meant to get into predicaments that are "sinful" then why is their soul made that way, god must already know the outcome of their life. So what point do we have on Earth, because it's not much of a test. So in essence i guess Puritan's had some kind of basis for being "God's Chosen", because if you were really meant to lead a good life, you would be placed in a good situation from birth, with a soul and mentality that suited your impending role on earth. How the heck does that all work out?