Nov 04, 2003 20:10
Well, well, well. Today? Not a good day! Turns out that a 'supposed' friend, Heather Reynolds, has been saying crap about me and Chris Abbott behind my back. I don't know what she's saying, but if she's saying what I think she's saying, then I'm going to beat her ass. I don't care who's around, and she's calling me a whore and a hoe and all this shit. She don't want me to get started on her. I'm not the one who fucked two guys on prom night. I'm not the one who fucked a sophomore when I'm a senior! Not to mention God knows what else she did, or who else she did, I should say? I have so much dirt on her, that it's not even funny. She wants to run her mouth about me, I can run my mouth about James and AJ and DeWayne and Will and a bunch of other people that she doesn't know that I know about. I can make her wish she were lower than crap.
And this is all after a disasterous Friday. First, on the way to Cleburne County, our last football game, the instrument playing band's bus broke down not once, not twice, but three times, then finally died in the parking lot of McDonald's in Oxford. Okay, well, they kicked us off our bus and took it, leaving us in Oxford waiting for another one for thirty minutes. While we were there, they had a fit because I had my face painted for Halloween and they didn't. And I was the only one on colorguard who had it painted, and one of the co-captains, Sharmel, threw a royal hissy fit. I mean, we had arms waving, feet stomping, yelling, screaming. The whole package. I mean, they would not give it a break. Mandy, captain, said that she didn't care and that she was going to get hers done, too, but she didn't have time. Finally, just to get them to shut the hell up, I went and washed it off.
When I was in the bathroom, Shemeka and Chasity, two veterns, came in, and neither one of them said a word to me. If one of them had, it was going to be on, and there was a mother and her little girl in there, but I didn't care. That's how mad I was. They finally left, and eventually, Kayla and Mandy came in and started talking to me. Mandy, good little Christian girl, cussed. She told Kayla that all they wanted to was something to bitch and complain about. That finally got my laughing, but when I got on the bus, I started crying, but it wasn't because I was sad. I was so pissed off with their shit, cause I put up with it more than anybody else, because I'm too nice, but guess what? It ain't happening anymore. Next time they say something, anything, I'm gonna snap.
Oh, oh, oh. One more thing before I go! Guess what? Now, I'm a witch! You know, cauldrons, spells, black cats? Yep, I'm a witch. Not a bitch, even though I'm that, too, but I'm a witch. At first, I thought it was funny, but now it's pissing me. There's nothing like being accused to witchcraft to top off an already shitty night. Okay,okay. This was supposed to vent off about Heather, but well, I needed to vent about other things.
The one good thing that's happened was I was actually able to see Jeka again, and meet her boyfriend. He's pretty cool. I don't want to say too much cause Jeka'll jump me, so we'll just leave it at that.