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Aug 16, 2005 20:59

I've mentioned Paul Johnson a number times recently. I just finished his book Intellectuals and recently started to look at Modern Times although I doubt I'll have the time to read it right now (it's around 1000 pages!). He is fast becoming a favourite of mine, so I was quite happy to stumble across this article about him: http://www.libertyhaven.com/thinkers/pauljohnson/historipaul.html I highly recommend his stuff.

On another, but similar note, I stumbled across a review (http://culturalleadership.blogspot.com/2005/08/black-rednecks-and-white-liberals.html) of Thomas Sowell's book that I'd love to get. It's called Black Rednecks and White Liberals (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1594030863/qid=1123734464/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_sbs_1/103-3936266-0953408?v=glance&s=books&n=507846) The basic premise of the book is that black, ghetto culture is not a product of African roots, rather the influence of white, redneck, undecuated, antebellum South. Sowell is a black, conservative intellectual who is essentially drawing out the irony of the ghetto culture priding itself in being black unwittingly glorying in something derived from white rednecks.

Finally, my good friend (and Greek professor) Clint started a blog that I've happily added to my favourites. Yet one more blog to the blogosphere that I have to read. I wonder if I can get some many added to favourites that I could spend a whole day doing nothing but reading them? Anyways, he can be linked at http://cowboyology.blogspot.com/

We're off to watch Hornblower now. Boo ya.
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