Threadhopping with this character?: Yes.
Backtagging with this character?: Yup!
Hugging this character?: Used to it Yup.
Giving this character a kiss?: Probably, although he might not like it so much!
Something more intimate?: Anything above PG/PG-13 is out of the question because I just can't write that stuff. Also, relationships are a weird subject.
Relationships?: Subdivided!
Platonically: YES. Emil depends on having friends, man.
Romantically: Possible, but he has presumably half-developed feelings and a knight complex for a friend of his and actually acting on any romantic inclinations...well.
Partnership (Soul Campaign): Again, possible! But please note that Emil has two different personalities, and ideally partners would be able to resonate with both.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): Yup.
Injury?: Depends, talk to me.
Death?: I like playing him, so nope. Sorry!
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Nope.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?: Emil's icons shows him with both green and red eyes to indicate personality, but there's no in-game acknowledgment about the eye color change so I'm playing him as if he always has green eyes.
Anything else, please mention here: Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality!