I'm sure everyone's noticed by now, but I don't really use LJ anymore. This is because I have been sucked in by the black hole that is Tumblr, which has consumed me whole. If you'd like to see what I'm up to, you can find me at
wojojojo. WARNING: it is very NSFW, which means porn. So, so much porn.
On to whining!
I didn't want to put this up on Tumblr, as its more of a "reblog everything and drool over fave artists" kind of blog right now, but I need to get this off my chest. I'm no longer in school and my mom wants me to move back to Texas, which is something I very much don't want to do. I've been looking for a job since last June, and mom says I'm coming home if I don't have one by the end of the month. I've been busting my ass job hunting (whenever depression doesn't get in the way), and so far no dice. It's looking pretty likely that I'm going to have to move back, unless I somehow hear back from PSU in the next few days. This is highly unlikely. So I'm depressed, jobless, bored out of my skull, and desperately not wanting to move back, where I'll most likely spend the next few years tearing my hair out in rage due to my uncle being a dick and the general attitude towards anything in Texas (i.e. "Good Ole Boys and oil"). Idk, I'm just at the end of my rope and I feel like going back to Texas will kill me, if not literally than at least mentally. I've been trying to talk mom out of it, but she doesn't seem to understand. We've never exactly seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but she just doesn't understand how much I despise Texas. She's never liked me being in Portland, and now she's using it against me to move back. Its like talking to a brick wall some days. Hopefully I'll get a windfall in the next few days that will prevent me from moving home.