
Jul 06, 2011 21:23

I am simply amazed that some people have such utter control over their friends that if they decree that someone is "NOT WORTHY" their friends will simply end the friendship - even when someone has done absolutely nothing to them.   Isn't that terrible?  I would hate to have to rely on my other friends to pick my friends for me.  Heavens!  They might decree that my hubby is not worthy and that I must divorce him...

OH WAIT, someone already tried that.  Didn't work though - I saw through their evil plot and damned if they were not FOILED again.  Darn for them.

Seriously though, would you allow your current friends to decide who you could be friends with and who you couldn't?  My parents didn't pick my friends when I was a child.  I be damn if a friend does.

In that case though, they wouldn't be a true friend, would they?
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