With the new year almost upon us I find myself thinking over the past year. It was a year full of conflicting emotions - from despair when my father passed away to absolute elation at getting my dream job. I'm ever so grateful that my children are healthy both physically and mentally - and that my husband
dmedicus is finally on the mend :D
Sometime in the last year I decided that life was to short to continue to bite my tongue and curtail my thoughts, likes and dislikes in order to get along with family members who perpetuate negative emotions in my life. As I did with 'friends' and acquaintances who invoked the same negative emotions I cut them out of my life. Those folks who always believe that their way is the only way and if I want to be in their life it has to be their way or no way - well, I have no time nor desire to be around them. The people that I want to be around are those who are ok with differing opinions between people, believe there is no 'one' true way - they are bendable in their thought processes and activities, and always willing to listen first then react. Be you 'friend' or family - if you are not willing to compromise, be accepting of MY lifestyle, then I will avoid being around you and will cut you out of my life. As I said before, life is to short to bog yourself down with negativity.
To that, I must add this - once I cut you out of my life I don't want to know anything else about you. Its as if you have died - Like my former friends - I don't want to know anything about them. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I am content knowing that I am well removed from their life and they have NO influence over my life, my family or anything. I am the "BAD APPLE" according to them , and from past experience, I know that they keep tabs on me and have in the past attempted to portray their negative opinions of me to mutual acquaintances....while I have not attempted to harm them in way, form or fashion. That is unforgivable in my eyes, and as such I am wary of them and will do all I can to protect me and mine...I prefer to be prepared - I don't want to know anything that is going on in their life, be it good, bad, in different or whatever - except that have no interest in me. As long as they leave me alone - I'm perfectly content. I've done all I can do to avoid them - from avoiding them in public gatherings we *might* be at together, I've blocked all of my sites from their eyes to the extent that I can - I avoid sites that they *might* post to and if I do run across them on a public site, I avoid that site. I had even at one time, curtailed a friendship of a mutual friend......
Finally, I don't wish them (or anyone) ill will. I wish them well actually - I want them to live a long life, and I hope they get all that they deserve in life. (Karma) If they deserve good then they get good, if they deserve something else - well, you know what they say. In truth though, I consider them dead to me, I want nothing of them, I desire NOTHING of theirs, and I'd be happiest in life if I never heard of them or from them EVER again. The past is the past and I for one do not have time to dwell on things that caused me so much heartache and negative energy. I'm well done with them and better off without them. I hope they feel the same way!!!! Just let sleeping dogs lie is what I can hope they desire to do!!!!