chaos_r: ...You know - a lot of Canadians I meet are really polite.
chaos_r: I think it's something in the water.
big_wired: Well, we grow up right next to the Americans... so we gotta distinguish ourselves from them.
big_wired: But basically, in the Canadian Parental Guide, we're all raised to be polite.
chaos_r: Quiet, subdued, polite, kind...
chaos_r: It's like the way people normally describe stalkers.
big_wired: *snort*
big_wired: Come on, you must have met some mean Canadians.
chaos_r: I've seen them on TV and in picture books and in educational programmes, but never in real life.
chaos_r: Unless by "mean Canadian" you mean "American".
big_wired: I asked a fellow English teacher what the Canadian accent was. He said a softer, politer American.
So I asked what an American accent was, and he said LOUD.
chaos_r: I always thought it was sharper.
chaos_r: More grating.
big_wired: And I can be mean too!
big_wired: Here, I'll insult your clothing...
chaos_r: ...
chaos_r: ...which you've *never seen*.
big_wired: You have a... ... a... You have a bad tie!
chaos_r: That's not an insult! That's a goddamned fact!
big_wired: Sorry... I'm not so good at this.
chaos_r: It's okay. As long as you're in Canada.
chaos_r: The rest of the world is like one big warzone.
chaos_r: The day Jolt insulted me shall be forever engraved into memory.
big_wired: But I thought you said I was merely stating fact. Wouldn't that be lying?
chaos_r: Conveniently my internet lie detector is broken, isn't it?
big_wired: Is it?
chaos_r: Would you rather I call this the day Jolt TRIED to insult me?
chaos_r: And failed like a snowball in hell?
...I think work makes me fill up to the brink with snark since I can't let it out on customers.