May 19, 2005 00:49
I am sorry to those I requested to be friends that I haven’t been around the last few days, but I am hear now so please for give me this one time.
Today I slept in until about 2:00 this after noon. It was just too damn hot to get up. After I got up I just sat around till about 3:30 then went and did my daily weight regiment. I think its about time to add weight again, my benching is coming along much better than I expected, I am getting some form mack in my chest already :), by the end of this summer ill be good engh to walk around with my shirt off again!!!:P. When I was out for my run today I realized how green, and how good the smell of this little town of my childhood was. I had honestly forgotten why I used to love it. These last few years here I was so preoccupied with partying and working I never noticed. I started remembering things little events, places back in fields and pastures were we used to play in the creeks. I know this must sound like a place straight out of a book but this is where I spent the happiest 4 years of my childhood.
Work today was good. I worked from 5-9 but I got my shit done and got out of there around 8, I could have gotten out earlier but the closing cook took her break late.
Me and my ex, Jessica talked a bit online today. She did her usual job of making me feel jealous, and I did my typical prove to her im still the romantic who is head over heels for her. To be honest its getting old. I thought when I told her I moved to Wichita she would stop calling me but she didn’t. Its almost like she wants me just close engh to call home but far engh away to do what she wants. You know usually I would be freaking out about it but tonight I feel calm and collected.
My best friend Willie called tonight. I actually just got off the phone with him. We talked for about 2 hrs like a bunch of girls. We really didn’t say anything. But you know what I love that guy like I love my little brother.
I've benn down and lone befor cry tears till i fall asleep, but I've never benn so down i cried int my sleep...untill now