I'm back ^_-

Jan 12, 2009 18:24

hey ppl ^^
I'm not dead, or maybe I'm almost dead.. I've got flu, but the worse thing
is this fuc*** sore throat.. it just doesn't go away T_T
I don't talk since yesterday evening, and today I even couldn't go to school *evil grin*
totally. I'm not very fine, but I always find the time to post some graphics for you.
today I spent something like 5 hours workin on some Caught on Camera graphics,
I made 197 icons, I will post them soon! in the meantime I brang here a lot of old graphics!
comments are love, as usual <3
and credits are required, obviously :)

here it's a template for Splinder, it's an italian blog community ^^
(click on the image to see it)

and now here we go with a lot of icons and tags.
enjoy! ^_-

finally, I have some amazing collages to show you. maybe you could use them as desktop backrounds!
(click on them to see their real size)


tokio hotel wallpapers, tokio hotel icons, tokio hotel tags, tokio hotel set, tokio hotel collages

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