Well, not too much going on today...just a snowy lazy day. So far I'm liking the snow, but I know I'll be completely sick of it in a month.
I cleaned out my gerbil aquariums a little while ago. I love my gerbils, but I HATE cleaning up after them. We have 4 of them now. Originally we had 2 boys - Jay and Silent Bob - cause we didn't want them to mate. As it turns out, the girl at the pet store didn't know what she was doing and "Jay" got pregnant. Unfortunately, some of the babies died, but we're now left with 4 total - Jayde (hehe), Silent Bob, Pinky, and Osiris.
The season finale of Survivor comes on tonight and I'm excited. Yeah, I'm a reality show nerd. It's just really interesting to me to see how people react in different situations. Although, I do think most of the reality shows they've come up with lately are a bit absurd. Anyway, I'm hoping Sandra wins tonight.
Another quiz:
You are Dr. Frank from Rocky Horror Picture Show. You are the epitome of mad science. And a damn hot sweet transvestite. Choose your henchmen carefully.
Which Cool Evil Guy Are You? Yay! *sings* "I'm just a sweet transvestite, from Transsexual Transylvania." I love Dr. Frank-N-Furter!