Trailing stars

Mar 03, 2010 11:38

I've neglected you again Lj. Abandoned you for Tumblr and I feel bad, and perhaps a little nostalgic now. I don't want to give a play by play of all the things I've done since I last posted. I guess I just wanted to check in.

Yesterday was a strange day, filled with emotions that didn't seem mine and came out of nowhere in quick succession without any logical order. It ended with drinking with friends and strangers in one of those random "stuff just happens" kind of evenings and I woke up feeling better. Oddly therapeutic I suppose.

And today I feel at peace. At peace with what I need to do and where I need to go. At peace with giving up or giving in. At peace with the constant struggles I put myself through because it seems I never like taking the easy path. Peace isn't happiness, not really, but it's some sort of compromise with myself.

The things I wanted to get you, to give you.. I won't now. Because in truth all you give, you eventually take away. No more talking.. no more thinking, no more feeling conflicted. And so we step into the future, heart heavy but conscience clear and just in time for the arrival of spring.

And Disco Bowling friday... FTW?
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