So I admit I've grown a little side tracked. Been doing some work, working on some personal projects, but mainly occuping mysel with the wellbeing on the little Kami. She got a cold and now she sneezes and coughs. Its kindda like when your pet does it. You think about how cute it is that they do "people" things.
That and she really does sound cute since they are such quiet and tiny sneezes and coughs...
A new art piece uploaded to DA. This is a tribute to Brom. He has a similar piece entitled Lucky, I think. You can view it here: A note; I don't like the futuristic gun. I was always bad with weapons... (And backgrounds, and men, and accessories, and clothes...
Anyway... Here you go:
(another side note, the picture is huge. 1675 x 1342 One day I will make a generick upload size, wallpaper style.)