Jan 05, 2010 22:24
Who am I?
I'm just a RolePlayer who somehow always finds herself back in the Final Fantasy Fandom, no matter what I do. Notably FF8. I'm a Squall player but I have other muses too. I'm just not that confident with them to play them often.
I'm a Writer though I haven't done much in that thus far. I'm also a Slash/Het/Genderswap Fan so please forgive me if I do a few things that you aren't so fond of.
I'm a Shipper of many things, mostly non-canon pairings though there are some Canon pairings I do enjoy. Hell, I love Threesomes in fanfics and I'll probably end up writing them too.
The following Pairings are those that I'll probably write about. Mind you, just because I ship them doesn't mean I'll go out of my way to find them in a RP environment.
Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart (FF8)
Cloud Strife x Squall Leonhart (FF7/FF8)
Cloud Strife x Leon (KH)
Irvine Kinneas x Squall Leonhart (FF8)
Warrior of Light x Squall Leonhart (DFF)
Firion x Squall Leonhart (DFF)
Seifer Almasy x Quistis Trepe (FF8)
Cloud Strife x Aerith Gainsborough (FF7)
Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (FF7)
Zidane Tribal x Garnet/Dagger (FF9)
Tidus x Yuna (FFX)
Baralai x Paine (FFX2)
Nooj x Paine (FFX2)
Auron x Lulu (FFX)
and many more that I can't recall off the top of my head. ^^;
should come with a warning,
lol wtf,
role on the play (rp stuff)