This should be fun!

Jun 08, 2005 20:06

[.0o1] Full Name--> Joshua Gene Dahl
[.o02] Birthplace--> Milwaukee
[.0o3] Eye Color--> Blue
[.o04] Nail Color--> clear
[.0o5] Height--> 5'8''
[.o06] Zodiac Sign--> Sagitarius
[.0o7] Siblings--> 1 older brother named Michael...step borthers and sisters: Justin, Jill, Dean
[.o08] What do you want to be when you grow up--> Teacher(science or math)

--> [describe]
[.0o9] Your heritage--> german/indian/norweigen/irish/...
[.o010] The shoes you wore today--> reebok...plain white, but very messed up from being worn so much
[.0o11] Your hair--> dark brown/black
[.o012] Your weakness--> being over confident in the "knowledge" i have
[.0o13] Your perfect pizza--> pepperonni and cheese...that's it

--> [what is...]
[.o014] Your most overused phrase on aim--> lol
[.0o15] Your thoughts first waking up--> i'm so tired...time for a shower and school though
[.o016] Your current worry--> everything in my life involving my future
[.0o17] Your best physical feature--> whatever jordan thinks! (and mandy too)
[.o018] Your bedtime--> when i can't stay awake anymore
[.0o19] Your most embarrassing moment--> to many to look back on
[.o020] Your best sport--> soccer/tennis

--> [what you prefer]
[.0o21] sunrise or sunset--> sunset
[.o022] gore or horror--> gore
[.0o23] Eastside or Westside--> westside story
[.o024] stripes or polka dots--> stripes
[.0o25] Planes or trains--> planes
[.o026] Boxers or briefs--> boxers
[.0o27] Pools or hot tubs--> hot tubs

--> [do you...]
[.o028] Think you've been in love--> yes
[.0o29] Type w/ your fingers on home row--> yes
[.o030] Like to take baths--> baths sometimes, but usually showers
[.0o31] Get motion sickness--> nope
[.o032] Like talking on the phone--> yes...i love it
[.0o33] Like thunderstorms--> yes
[.o034] Play an instrument--> used too
[.0o35] Workout--> plan on it
[.o036] Like reading--> nope

[.0o37] Body part--> head
[.o038] Kind of fruit--> orange
[.0o39] Music to fall asleep to--> alternative rock
[.o040] Time of the day--> night
[.0o41] Car--> porchse carrera gt
[.o042] Number--> 54
[.0o43] Thing to do--> be with my friends
[.o044] Place to be--> anywhere except home, school, or work!
[.0o45] Colors--> pink and black

[.o046] Should gay marriages be legal--> Yes
[.0o47] Should weed be made legal--> No
[.o048] Who is/are the greatest singer(s) ever--> david bowie
[.0o49] If you could ban one subject from school, what would it be--> english
[.o050] If you could only bring one thing (not a person!) with you on a deserted island for two months, what would it be and why-->a nice bed
[.0o51] If you could only wear one color for two straight weeks (different clothes... same color) what color would it be and why--> hot pink the bestest color ever

-->[the opposite sex]
[.o052] Best eye color--> blue
[.0o53] Short or long hair--> kinda long, but not too long
[.o054] Best personality trait--> friendly
[.0o55] Best cologne--> doesn't matter
[.o056] Best physical feature--> whole body
[.0o57] Brainy or Clever--> clever
[.o058] Sweet or Romantic--> romantic
[.o059] Aggressive or Gentle--> gnetle but also aggressive
[.o060] Ears Pierced? Nails Painted? Hair Gelled? --> ears pierced and nails painted...gel is a m/b

[.0o61] Person you saw--> linz
[.o062] Person you 'liked'--> mandy(still)
[.0o63] Person you hugged--> mandy
[.o064] Person that made you laugh--> mandy
[.0o65] Person who made you smile--> mandy
[.o066] Person who made you cry--> myself
[.0o67] Store you visited--> sentry
[.o068] Thing you ate--> cheese burgers
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