Sokka Gets No Respect (dot) Com <<<
Fuck Zuko D:<
The real ladies man is Sokka.
Avatar: The Last Airbender has never captured my heart from the quality of the characters, Zuko least of all, despite the vast number of characters there are. Part of what attaches me to a series, in general, is the characters.
My personal problem with Avatar was that, there was never any character that I could connect to, or laugh at. I tried Azula, but since Season 3 began --her character has disgusted me beyond reason. She's a FREAK. Not even a monster, she is a fucking joke.
[Azula can't talk a boy? What? She has no REAL personality, then? Being a fucking pyscho bitch is her complete characterization? She can't step out of being a military mary-sue pyscho and be normal? LAME AS HELL. Although, being unable to be "relate" with others has given Azula's character a more vulnerable side...it's just very, very odd to see her with a one-dimensional personality.]
In fact, the latest episode, "The Beach" has killed my respect for the Fire Nation's spoiled teenaged fuckers:--Mai, Azula, Ty Lee and Zuko.
On a brighter side.......Water Tribe is the shit ^__^
I was hoping that Season 3 would give Sokka more character development and growth, and although it seemed to take a step back in some of the earlier episodes (-__-' "The Painted Lady") he's rebounded.
I believe I will begin my latest Avatar obession with Sokka.
Sokka isn't the only one who cutes up a little, though. You win this round, Zuko
The Shitty Fire Pissant.
Sokka has become something of a goofy, but so cute and lovable guy. Jack DeSena really performs the voice well ^__^ I could never imagine a better voice for him.
I made a sketchy :D
Katara is not amused.