My bad but awesome day.

Feb 20, 2008 21:38

Warning: Probably will be a pretty long spammy post

It all began during my wake up process. This morning I had to get up early because I needed to
get to school before my first class to print out my paper for that first class.
So my plan was to quickly shower, start my car, gather all my things and eat breakfast while car is warming, and finally leave for school.
Well it didn't happen as planned.

First, I had to move Scott's car blocking mine (BUH!) and then I soon found out, my car would not start for me. To add to it, the roads were horrible because of last night's snowfall. I knew right there that this would be an off day.
So I move Scott's car to an easy jumping position and ask Andrew to help me jump my car.
I eventually made my way to school, hastily printed my paper, and went to class.

After class, I studied more for my calc test which I was fairly sure I would do okay on.
Two hours later, I take the calc test, and HEGGHHHHHHHHGEHGEGHASDGHEGLKJ.
It was near impossible and without the hints my teacher gave us, I doubt I would have been able to pass, if at all.
I ended up taking about an hour and a half to finish the test and I knew that I would be heavily late to my next class, missing the daily quiz in it.

I walk back to my car to drive to my next class, try starting it, and yes, you guessed it, it did not start.
Thankfully, by chance, mi amigo Jory parked next to me and he helped me jump my car.
Things are good, right? :D
As we were driving to the same building, my car died while running in a parking lot.
(luckily I was parked)
We jump again, I decide, "Okay, it might be safer if I just drive home"
So I start on the journey home and as it turns out, my journey was short lived.
While still on campus roads, my car started dying as I was being followed by fellow students
who were probably wondering things along the lines of "What in the blazes is that guy doing?!"

Thankfully, again, Jory drove by me by chance, and I asked him to help me push the car into the lot.
So we used our awesome man power to push the car. We came across the obstacle of a small hill to which, others saw our struggle, and decided to help! :DDD
We got up the hill, I parked the car, and was left alone.
I look at my phone, notice my low battery life, go "Ah.. great", and call padre.
He gave me numerous instructions and I found out that the car will be towed and the guy
will drive me to Pablo's Motorsports.

After a couple of calls, I waited for the tow truck guy to pick up me and my poor buddy up.
I waited and waited and waited and waited. It wasn't too bad at first because it was pretty warm in my car. That changed in the hour (or so) I was waiting however.
I drew a nice picture though! :D

My feet started to get cold and I eventually moved to the backseats where the sun was shining a little better. I wanted to go inside but I was afraid that I would miss the tow guy, and I was not aware that he would take as long as he did.
I called the tow guys and it turned out that there was an accident or something that delayed him.
I could feel my body not wanting to fight illness anymore

A strange little event that happened while I was waiting there,
I saw a dog! :D
I noticed that it had a collar on it so I worried it was a lost dog.
Me being myself, approached it carefully, and said things like "Heyy puppyy, heyyyy puuuppppyyy!!! 833" and just as I thought I was getting somewhere,
it went on a barking frenzy.
I backed away and said "okay okay!"
I then called campus security and informed them of what I was witnessing.
As it turns out, the security guy told me that there was a dog missing and they were
looking for it so I'm glad I was able to help there. :3
My day started to get better.

The tow guy finally came and we eventually left for pablo's place.
Surprisingly, we had quite a conversation. 8D
He told me of his family a bit, how his wife used to work at the cafeteria at Lewis and how
they actually had products you could call food. He told me of his daughter in 6th grade who looked to carry more than my already extremely over packed and heavy bag.
He also told me various things that I had never known about the tow trucking business and I honestly thought that it was fascinating. It's a great business if you know what you're doing.
Now that I think about it however, I didn't even catch the guy's name.

I finally get home and eat.
I also get the chance to speak to a very awesome person who kept me going the whole day with her happy waves being sent and little, but big messages. :D
/poke sukibot.

I take a long rest and force my body to help heal itself, take a shower, play some guitar(well, a lot of guitar), and then I get a text from sukibot saying there will be a lunar eclipse tonight and..
seeing it really left me speechless.
And sharing that moment just made it even better.
I even wrote a song! Well, sorta. I think of it as an opposite to Rainy Sunshine. I'll post both songs on my next LJ post. 8Db

So that was my day!

Ah yes!

Eskimos are all over the place outside.
So many of them.
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