Hugs and Kisses

Oct 29, 2014 15:05

Title: Hugs and Kisses
Pairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~515 words
Warnings: Sappy cuteness???
Summary: Waking up his boyfriend was the best part of Chanyeol's day; Domestic AU

Notes: Uh, this is my first real attempt at any kind of fic, so please bear with me..... *sweats profusely* I wrote this for my best friend Diane, as a sort of "Get Well Soon" incentive. Enjoy?

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Chanyeol groaned quietly, squinting his eyes against the offending sunlight currently baking his eyeballs. Yet again, he wondered the logic of having their bed facing the wall of windows in their eastern facing bedroom.

With his eyes shut resolutely tight to avoid being properly awake for as long as possible, Chanyeol slid both of his hands across the narrow gap to his target.

“Soo,” Chanyeol whispered, voice still husky from sleep. He felt the body in front of him stir slightly, and then stop. He waited, but nothing else happened. Sighing, he regretfully forced his eyes open, only to shut them immediately at the intense brightness he met upon doing so. Right, the sun.

Opening them more carefully this time (accompanied by a hand in front to avoid becoming blind), he peeked down at the bundle of blankets next to him.

“Kyungsoo,” he tried again, this time snuggling beside the lump and making an attempt at removing the blanket barrier.

“Ungh,” was the muffled reply, along with a determined struggle to keep the blankets cocooned around himself, “go away.”

Chuckling softly, Chanyeol merely increased his efforts to remove the covers from his boyfriend's surprisingly strong grip, more than used to Kyungsoo's reluctance to get up before noon. This time he was partially successful, managing to reveal his boyfriend's face and the hands that were currently still clutching onto the blankets for dear life.

Squinting open one eye, Kyungsoo glared heatedly in Chanyeol's direction.

“It's too early, Yeol. Can't we sleep for a few more hours?” Kyungsoo grumbled, and then tried to pull the covers over himself again. Chanyeol was too quick for him, though, and was able to keep them where they were. Kyungsoo pouted cutely, then decided to bury his face in his pillow instead, effectively ignoring Chanyeol.

Not ready to give up just yet, Chanyeol leaned down and began to softly nuzzle the shell of Kyungsoo's ear. He felt him shudder slightly beside him, and smiled into his boyfriend's hair. This was too easy sometimes.

As he began to kiss his way down the side of his neck, Chanyeol heard Kyungsoo moan quietly. He licked and nipped his way back up to his ear and blew into it gently.

“Are you sure you still want to sleep?” he whispered huskily into his lover's ear.

“Ugh, I hate you sometimes,” came the grumbled response, followed by Kyungsoo turning his face fully towards Chanyeol once more. Glaring with all of his might, he proceeded to unwrap himself from his cocoon of blankets. He held up one end of the blanket, and looked at Chanyeol expectantly.

“Well, are you going to get under here with me and make this worth my while, or should I really just go back to sleep?”

Grinning widely, Chanyeol quickly wiggled beneath the covers offered to him. Kyungsoo let the end drop over the both of them, still grumbling about “early mornings” and “dumb boyfriends”.

Grinning like an idiot, Chanyeol planted a wet kiss on his lover’s mouth.

Waking up his boyfriend is always a perfect way to start the day.

diane i love you okay, drabble, chansoo, kyungsoo, chanyeol, domestic, exo
