An actual Entry!!

May 29, 2005 09:14

Yes, this is probley odd for most of you to actually see me typing something in here. Not going to say a whole lot, just that Max and I are transfering to another store until we get the day time jobs. Our family life is going pretty well, besides that fact of Max and I wanting to spend more time with Claudia. Oh yeah, went to go see Star Wars Episod Three. Now that is what I call an awsome movie! Woot! Let's see, yeah there were some dry spells in the acting but other than that it has answered alot of questions about Episode Four. Claudia's actual pictures should be coming in soon. Yay! Besides having them on here. Missing a few friends and what not. Just not really doing a whole lot. It's kinda hard too when you work during the night and sleep most of the day. Only get to spend a few hours with Claudia then have to take her over to Grandma's and go to work and repeat the whole thing the next day. Until Wensday and Thursday get here. Then on Wensday we stay up 24 hours and sleep that night. Thursday we just... sit there and do nothing. But when we transfer to this new store we most likely will be getting a five day weekend which will be cool, but we will see. Let's see.. Yeah, nothing else is going on. Okay. I'll hush up now snice I'm probley boring anyways.

oh yes, when I get more pictures of Claudia onto the computer, I'll be sure to post them on here! Take care everyone and I miss talking to some of you guys!!

(Miss you Ree and Daniel! Max and I hope you come home soon. We love you!!)
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